Lin Mccarthy on Monday March 3, 2003 09:49AM

Seve Hunt MOST IMPORTANT PRE-SEASON RACING DATE -  APRIL 1, TUESDAY EVENING (6:30), CCV RACING RULES CLINIC, AT THE MARINERS' MUSEUM. This is when the 2003 CCV Racing Rules Guide will be distributed.  The guest clinician is world class racer and Olympic hopeful Steve Hunt, #1 on the US Sailing Team - 470 class.  Also, Gary Bodie, coach of the US Sailing Team, will be in attendance.  Hunt will be in town for the clinic having just raced against the world's best in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, and on the way to another huge regatta in Hyeres, France.  Steven is at the "top of the game", having crewed on the best of big boats in championship level (and local) regattas as well has campaigning for the USA in 470s. This is a great opportunity for everyone - big boat, dinghy, serious and casual racing sailors.  Learn about the rules and racing from one of the world's best and re-connect with all your racing buddies. This event is FREE and OPEN TO ALL.  For information contact:  John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225  or email at  mcbear@earthlink.netJust in case you have been in deep hiding at a ski resort and, therefore, are behind on news, the America's Cup competition is over.  It's Alinghi (the Swiss) who will be defending the Cup the next time around.

The TRIPP 26 has gained Cruising One Design (COD) status in CBYRA.  Sanctioned race/regatta managers may contact Don Zinn at (410) 295-7148 or email at
     zinnd@artesianrx.com    for class scheduling plans. The Tripp 26s raced in the southern Bay last year at Black Seal Cup-Southern Bay Race Week.  They PHRF-out as a B fleet competitor should event officials want to consider the Tripps as part of combined fleet start.

J/29 One Design Racers money saving opportunity. Complete your entry for the Fishing Bay Yacht Club J/29 Invitational (April 18-20) before March 15th to avoid the $50 late registration fee.  This event brings boats from the mid-Atlantic, New England, Canada, and the mid-West.  For info contact:  Case Whittemore at (804) 285-4632  or  email   whittemorec@hotmail.com.

Bluewater racers heads-up!  The next Annapolis to Bermuda Ocean Race starts June 11, 2004.  However, the Owens Financial Bermuda Ocean Race and Eastport Yacht Club are planning for this month a reception for potential racers that will follow the Safety at Sea Seminar at EYC on March 29, 2003.  For info contact EYC at (410) 267-9549 or email  office@eastportyc.org. You must RSVP no later than March 21, 2003.  And, please take note, the BOR folks are planning a Cruising Class for non-spinnaker racers in 2004.

JAVASCORE to cover entire Chesapeake Bay:  PHRF of the Chesapeake President, Jerry Smernoff, has announced the decision to use JavaScore as the only acceptable scoring program for all PHRF class races on the Bay.  Jerry is not talking about how race managers score the race on the water, but he is talking about the results turned in to the CBYRA/PHRF official scorers, the CBYRA office for posting on the web site, and for tabulation for CBYRA/PHRF High Point awards.  JavaScore program CD's are available (FREE) to all clubs' scorers'.  The recommended course of action is to begin use right away - 2003.  A club may petition the Official Scorer to use a different program (for this year only), but the Official Scorer's decision is final and, if granted, the extension will last only through 2003.  In 2004, everyone must be electronically submitting results to CBYRA/PHRF scorers using JAVASCORE.

Here's the Region 4 JAVASCORE deal:  Region 4 Official Scorer (South Division) is Dicky Boykin.  Dicky will have the JavaScore program CDs at the March 15 Race Management Seminar (see below) for distribution, and he will include information on the program in his presentation.  Any club not represented at the March 15 seminar will receive the CD, loading instructions, and a copy of Jerry Smernoff's letter in the mail.  Bob Thomas, Region 4 Official Scorer (North Division) will also have a supply on hand for distribution after March 15.  This is a major step forward in providing accurate and timely scoring and High Point standings reports.  The scoring train is pulling out for the 21st century - all aboard!

CCV-HYC RACE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR:  SATURDAY, MARCH 15, Hampton Library (Main Branch-Victoria Boulevard), 9:30 am - 1:30 pm.  Open to all.  Each participant will receive a 2003 Race Management Manual.  Coffee and donuts provided.  There is no charge for this seminar.  For information and to pre-register (optional), contact John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225 or email at  mcbear@earthlink.net

On March 21st, Gary Jobson will be in the southern Bay area to kick off events related to the 2003 Southern Chesapeake Volvo Leukemia Cup Regatta (July 12th).  Jobson, America's Cup guru on ESPN2, will do his AC wrap-up at the soiree at The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, VA.  Wine and hors d'oeuvres are part of the evening along with a special TMM tour.  Tickets are $25 each and the proceeds go to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Virginia Chapter. For info or tickets contact Sandy Thurston at (800) 766-0797.

In case this winter has not been cold enough for some southern Bay racers, here's a special opportunity.  How about the Daimler Chrysler North Atlantic Challenge?  The race goes from Newport to Cuxhaven, Germany.  For a first hand account on North Atlantic racing, ask Christian Schaumloffel (Mirage).

There's a father-son duo, John and Jim Ross, which now spans the southern Bay racing scene.  John has been racing for years up on the Rappahannock.  Now, son Jim has moved his own boat to the Hampton Roads area where he is part of Louis and Barbara Lewis (Incentive) crew.

Dinghy racers get the jump on the 2003 schedule of events.  Laser, Vanguard 15, 420, and Sailboard racers will be first out of the blocks in 2003.  The HYC Spring One-Design Regatta is all set for Saturday, March 22.  For info contact: Tina Hazard (757) 498-1575 or Leigh Morgan (757) 726-9649 or check out the web site at  www.hamptonyc.com/onedesign.

CBYRA 2003 Membership Application Renewals should have reached you by now.  One of the best membership bargains around is the CBYRA-US SAILING combo offered through CBYRA.  If you have not received your renewal form or you are applying for the first time, check the web at    http://www.cbyra.org

Hunt-Miller Olympic Campaign Reception - Saturday, March 29, 6pm to 8pm, Hampton Yacht Club. Steven Hunt and Michael Miller will both be present, there will be first class hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar.  The evening will be topped off with an auction of Bay art, yacht services, and sailing memorabilia.  The official Hunt-Miller campaign shirt will be available to campaign donors. RSVP required no later than March 21.  Contact Joan Baker at (757) 722-0711 or email her at Joan@hamptonyc.com  or Linda Hunt Byrd at (757) 868-7048.(Note: Donations may be made payable to: USSF/Hunt-Miller Campaign, and mailed to: Hunt-Miller Campaign, HYC, 4707 Victoria Boulevard, Hampton, VA 23669)  Michael and Steve are southern Chesapeake Bay homies, sailing in world competition to represent the USA in Greece in 2004. Join the grassroots effort now, join the team.

More Getting Ready to Race:  Rappahannock River Yacht Club gathered 30 racers this past weekend for a presentation of John McCarthy's "The Start Comes First" workshop.  Blaine Liner
arranged and coordinated the event for RRYC.

Laser District 11 Championships - May 31 - June 1 - contact George Panayides,  gpanayid@wrsystems.com   or Leigh Morgan,  leigh.morgan2@verizon.net

MURPHY'S LAW:    Just plain sad. Team New Zealand was never able to make a go of defending the America's Cup. Their boat bit them repeatedly, big time in Race 1 where she took on water unexpectedly and in Race 4 where her mast came tumbling down.  Then, to add insult to injury, in the final race, the spinnaker pole gave in. So, OK, they lost to Alinghi 5-0. Bet they will be back, just like an angered junkyard dog, more determined than ever in the next challenger series 3 or 4 years from now. Living to race, racing to live. /s/ Murphy the Racing Beagle

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                 SOUTHERN BAY RACING NEWS YOU CAN USE, Lin McCarthy, Editor
Photo Credit: Steve Hunt-text and posting by Steve Gillispie; photo Lin McCarthy

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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