Lin Mccarthy on Monday November 24, 2003 09:10AM

Southern Bay Region 4 Scheduling Meeting:  The first meeting of our clubs' representatives to set up the 2004 big boat schedule is one week from today.  Martin Holland, region scheduler, reminds everyone that the meeting is set for Monday night, DECEMBER 1, 2003, at 7:00 pm at Hampton Yacht Club in the upstairs dining room.  Martin's goal is to have the big boat schedule ready for print by January 5, 2004.  Monday night will be first draft time. 
PHRF of the Chesapeake  has wrapped up the 2003 season.  Close to 1200 racing boats sailed under PHRF ratings this year.  For 2004 Randy Pugh will serve as vice-president of our region and Rusty Burshell will continue as chief handicapper.  Each club has a PHRF delegate who is available to answer policy and procedure questions or to direct concerns  to the appropriate person.  Handicap questions should be addressed to the chief handicapper or to the handicapper who represents the racer's club - most members of the handicap board represent more than one club.  So... it's a good idea to check with the appropriate PHRF official as you ponder modifications to your boat or your sail inventory over the coming winter.
2003 GABOON:  Scherherazade, Sledd Shelhorse's Taylor 40, was last to start and first to finish in the 2003 Gaboon Race.  The Gaboon is a chase start race - fastest boat starts last based on participants' PHRF ratings and corrected starting times.  This year's race was history making in that it is the last time the season ending event will be run from the current Hampton Yacht Club docks.   The 2004 Gaboon Race will be run from new floating docks.  Thirty-three boats and crews took advantage of the Indian summer-like day to compete.  RESULTS:  Overall winner and winner of PHRF A:  Sledd Shelhorse, Scherherazade; 2.Skip Amory, Woof; 3.Phil Briggs, Feather.  PHRF B:  1.Ben Weeks, Cheryl Lea; 2.Bill Gibbings, Jonathan; 3.Frank Silva, Phantom.  PHRF C:  1.Mike Veraldi, Quicky; 2.Ben Cuker, Callinectes; 3.John Blais, Stardancer.  PRO:  John McCarthy 
Do NOT put away your fur lined foulies yet!  2004 NEW YEAR'S MADNESS RACE is just around the corner.  This is a great New Year's Day event.  This year Old Point Comfort Yacht Club will handle both the pre-race skippers meeting (OPCYC clubhouse, Bldg 183) and the post-race party and awards (restaurant over the OPC Marina - next door to the OPCYC clubhouse).  The start will be moved from its usual spot at the HYC docks because of the HYC dock replacement project.  The start and the finish will be off the OPC Marina docks.   For detailed info, please contact Jeff Rogers at 449-2931.  Watch future December issues of SBRNYCU for information. 
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26 = the number of Gaboon Races Phil Briggs has administered.  The first race was run in 1978 and Phil  organized that one and every annual GR since.  Thanks, Phil.
SEAFORD YACHT CLUB NEW YEAR'S DAY RACE is on!  This race goes waaaaaaaay back  too.  The first start is scheduled for high noon on January 1, 2004.  Call to let them know you plan to enter and to understand the "informal" traditions of the gathering.  Carl Early is the point of contact;  call Carl at (757) 930-2743.
Dave Alexander and crew mates recently did some creative budget balancing.   To do a recent J22 regatta, they paid $50 in gas to go, $50 in miscellaneous costs, and $50 in gas to come home.  But not to worry, they offset the costs by winning a turkey as the trophy - that's a $150 turkey! 
J24 Fleet 71, operating out of Hampton, VA (HYC), has elected  Alan Bomar as 2004 Fleet Captain.
Media Watch:  The December issue of Chesapeake Bay Magazine has a piece on Hurricane Isabel and writer Paul Clancy includes a nice summary of what happened in our neck of the woods.  And, there's a great picture of southern Bay racer Ron McLean on page 44 of the article.  If you are collecting Isabel articles for your grands, CBM offers a good wrap-up and color photos.
CHEYENNE a.k.a. PlayStation, pulled out of Hampton Roads harbor Thursday afternoon headed for Plymouth, UK.  A lot of southern Bay good wishes go with them.  They were good visitors.  Also, Thanks to Bill Wheary who kept us all posted on the "Big Cat" while she was operating from our area.
Kudos to Dick Boykin, Mr. JavaScore on the southern Chesapeake - through his efforts most Region 4 clubs have converted to JavaScore as a way to score and report race results.  Our region now enjoys a reputation of timely results reporting.
Dear Readers, Thanksgiving is upon us.  Most Frost Bite series have wrapped up or plan to skip the holiday weekend.  SBRNYCU will take off too.  Murphy plans to snooze through the entire 4-day turkey celebration!  So... no issue this coming Monday, December 1.    Issue #179 will be out to you on Monday, December 8.  Happy Thanksgiving!
                                        /s/ LinMc and Murphy
JANUARY SCHEDULE:  Cold and more cold.  Check your baby's wraps, especially if she is in the boat yard or at the dock. 
Jan 1         2004 New Year's Madness Race    OPCYC, Jeff Rogers, 449-2931
Jan 1         2004 New Year's Race                   Seaford YC, Carl Early, (757) 930-2743
Jan 19-23   Key West Race Week  
MURPHY'S LAW:  Ummmmmm....  that J22 trophy turkey is worth $150?  At the current going price of $1.00 per pound, I'm seeing a 150 pound Thanksgiving Turkey!   Now, that's something to be very thankful for!  Gobble up!   Living to race, racing to live.  /s/ Murphy the Racing Beagle
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Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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