Lin Mccarthy on Monday December 15, 2003 08:59AM

Changes in the Big Tent - CBYRA Executive Board for 2004:  John Dodge, one of the southern Bay's own, will be the President of CBYRA for 2004.  Southern Bay racers know John for his past service as Region 4 vice president, the significant role he played in the "birth" of what has become the Stingray Point Regatta, and his participation in racing up and down the entire length of the Bay and well beyond.  Delegates also elected  Todd Lochner, whose roots are in the small boat side of the house (particularly Jet 14s), as Executive VP for the coming year.  CBYRA Treasurer, aka The Money Man, is Dick Emmett, and Angelo Buscemi, a J/24 guy, will serve as Secretary.
BEWARE!  The Winter Solstice Cometh!   And, it cometh early next week.  Solstice is a dark, dark day for racers.  The only protection is a good dose of Dark 'n' Stormy!  The official time of the winter solstice is December 22, 2003, 7:04 A.M. (GMT) - do the math to be sure you are ready in time.
An undisclosed source reports that Tom Peddy, skipper of Impulse, has been frost biting in  "...Corpus Christi on a Santa Cruz 50."  That certainly has a nice ring to it, especially this time of year.  It could be said to have been an Impulse - ive decision.
PHRF class southern Bay racers with more than just a recent memory  can still picture a certain C&C 35 named Star Dancer going straight as an arrow up wind and away from the fleet.  The boat was raced by owners Scottie and Spring Dyer along with their kid, Stephanie, so young then that she was able to do jumping jacks in the cockpit without hitting the boom.   Stephanie is now crewing on the Old Dominion University sailing team;  she is in her junior year.  Just goes to show...
SEAFORD YACHT CLUB NEW YEAR'S DAY RACE is on!  This race goes waaaaaaaay back - it is somewhere near the middle of its 3rd decade, according to Bay lore.  The first start is scheduled for high noon.  Call to let them know you plan to enter and to understand the "informal" traditions of the gathering.   This is a good ole bundle-up-and-go -sailing-and-enjoy-the-post-race-socializing event. Carl Early is the point of contact;  call Carl at (757) 890-2743.
  2004 NEW YEAR'S MADNESS RACE is just around the corner.  You can save $10 on the entry fee ($30 instead of $40) by making sure your entry is received by 5PM, Friday, December 26th.    This year Old Point Comfort Yacht Club will handle both the pre-race skippers meeting (OPCYC clubhouse, Bldg 183) and the post-race party and awards (restaurant over the OPC Marina - next door to the OPCYC clubhouse).  The start will be moved from its usual spot at the HYC docks because of the HYC dock replacement project.  The start and the finish will be off the OPC Marina docks.   For detailed info, including Ft Monroe security arrangements,  please contact Jeff Rogers at 449-2931 or Bob Williamson at sunlion@visi.net.
NOTE:  Race officials for the New Year's Madness Race (see above) say the post race party will include free hot wine, Irish coffee, Buck Rogers' famous hot chili, hot chowder, and cold champagne.  This is a gotta-get-to-it party.
NOTE:  Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you and yours!  Look for Issue #181  of SBRNYCU to  be in your email box Monday, December 29, 2003.
MURPHY'S LAW:  "Solstice" is an "S" word.  My favorite "S" word this time of year is "snooze".  Snoozing the beginning of the solstice away doesn't sound all that bad - do it? Living to race, racing to live.  /s/ Murphy the Racing Beagle
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Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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