Lin Mccarthy on Monday March 15, 2004 11:43AM

Floatline.com - Chesapeake Bay News is Launched:     http://www.floatline.com   A new web site that is designed to be a clearing house on news items and sources specific to the Chesapeake Bay.  You'll be able to find information on special events, environmental and political issues as well as other news and information that relates to our Bay.   The site is the creation of the same fine folks, Mary Ewenson and Dave Gendell,  who  created, developed, and administer SpinSheet Magazine.  Site managers say it will be up dated regularly and they encourage any webmaster who might be interested in establishing a link to the site to contact them.   For additional information contact Dave Gendell at  dave@spinsheet.com   Check out  Floatline - stay in tune with your Bay.
Pre-register by calling (757) 850-4225.  Pre-registration is optional, BUT pre-registering no later than March 22, guarantees that your Race Management Book is ready and waiting for you Saturday morning.  (see item below)
RACERS' BOOKS of the MONTH(S):  In the next few weeks two significant events for racers and race managers will occur in the southern Chesapeake Bay.  One of the spin-offs from each event is an important book.  Here are the book , workshop, and rules seminar deals:
    CCV 2004 Racing Guide:  Contains racing schedules for southern Bay events, race circulars/Notices of Race submitted by individual clubs and associations, the basic General Sailing Instruction used at the majority of southern Bay keel boat events, marks, forms (entry and membership forms), membership lists (including among others, skippers and crew info) and CCV award winners, etc.  Each 2004 member of CCV receives a FREE copy of the 144 page Guide.  The Guide will be available at  the annual CCV Racing Rules Seminar on Tuesday,  April 6,  6:30 pm - 9:pm at The Mariners' Museum (Newport News, VA).  The seminar is FREE and OPEN TO ALL.  Tucker Thompson, well known racer and clinician as well as associate of West Marine, will present his session on tactics and strategy as related to the Racing Rules.  Also, there will be a brief briefing on the updates in the 2004 General Sailing Instruction. For information regarding either the Racing Rules Seminar or the Race Management Workshop, contact John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225.
   CCV Race Management Book:  This valuable race management tool is provided at no charge to the participants in the March 27, 2004, CCV-HYC Race Management Workshop, Saturday, March 27, 9:00am to 2:00pm.  This year the Workshop is being hosted at Hampton Yacht Club;  it is FREE and OPEN TO ALL.  Registration (donuts and coffee will be available) begins at 9:00 am, with the workshop getting underway at 9:30 am.  For planning purposes, those expecting to attend should pre-register by calling (757) 850-4225.  Pre-registration before March 22nd,  is strongly suggested to guarantee receipt of a Book the morning of the Workshop.    For information regarding either the Racing Rules Seminar or the Race Management Workshop, contact John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225. 
Go to West Marine and Sell Your Buick!   A lot goes on with racers at marine supply stores this time of year.   For instance, this past weekend Don Wade (Portsmouth,VA), on his way into the Hampton WM store for boat outfitting equipment sold his Buick in the parking lot.  Now, that's having your priorities straight!  Buy boat stuff now!  Worry about getting home later! 
As of late February more than 40 PHRF skippers  already had taken a Racing Membership with CCV for the 2004 season.  Looks like the fleet is cookin'.   You can go to the CCV web site,   www.ccvracing.org  for a membership application or contact secretary-treasurer Dave Taylor directly at  (757) 723-0625.  In addition to those with racing memberships, more than 120 racers (crew and friends) have their club memberships already. 
Here's a job - a "good" job opportunity!  The Olympic Sailing Committee of US SAILING has created a new position - Laser Youth Development Coach.  Position is seasonal and contractual.  Good opportunity for a college or high school coach who has elite national or international coaching experience as well as Level Three Instructor Certification and specific expertise in the Laser and Laser Radial.  For details check out the web at  www.ussailing.org/ads/ussailing/employment.htm.   Resumes should be submitted immediately with a cover letter by email to Olympic Head Coach Gary Bodie at  garybodie@aol.com   This is good news for our country's youth sailing program.
From Huey Fourquet, CCV webmaster,  comes a note that  the first two inquiries regarding entries for the upcoming (May-dates TBA) CCV  Racing Crew Training Course have come from ladies giving the class to their men as a birthday gift. 
More Racing Numbers:  One thousand one hundred seventy-six (*1,176) race boats received handicap ratings from PHRF of the Chesapeake last year.  If you are a PHRF racer, you should  submit immediately  your application to PHRF for your 2004 valid rating.  Check the website at    http://www.phrfchesbay.com   for application info.   Chief handicapper for the southern Bay is Rusty Burshell (757) 898-2887;  vice-president for region 4 is Randy Pugh (757) 301-2859. Ya gotta have a 2004 rating to race PHRF!  [NOTE: * 1,176 - This number does not include all the one-design classes (keelboat as well as dinghy) that "did battle" on the Bay.] 
MURPHY'S LAW:  My name is Murphy, you know.  So, I am duty bound to remind racers that Wednesday is the day we honor that great Irish racer, St. Patrick!  True we don't see a lot about his accomplishments on the race course, BUT, who else could have invented Green Racers' Brew?  A pre-season toast is surely in order.   Living to race, racing to live.  /s/ Murphy the Racing Beagle
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Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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