Lin Mccarthy on Monday November 29, 2004 03:33PM

How are the southern Bay young'uns doing?  Preliminary CBYRA High Point Standings for Juniors are posted at www.cbyra.org   Among those listed at the top of their fleets are homies Brett Baker and Michael Brown (HYC) - 2nd in 420s;  Taylor Gray (HYC) - 8th in 420s;  Alex O'Toole (FBYC) - 11th in 420s;  Drew Johnson (NYCC) - 1st in Lasers;  and, in the top 20 of the Opti Fleet are  5th Sam Stokes (NYCC); 10th Gordon Wolcott (NYCC); 15th Chris Klevan.  Kudos to all who qualified for CBYRA High Point competition and to all who raced this summer.
Three J/29s visited Hampton and raced in all or part of the annual Frostbite Series during November along with hometown Rumble (Ben Weeks).  Paul Andersen's Titillation will take some silver back to Fishing Bay (see series awards info above).  Chuck Monsees' Rockette and Case Whittemore's Patriot saw action too. This year the J/29's raced in PHRF B.
It's coming soon - the annual GABOON RACE !  This Sunday, December 5, 2004.  This is one of those events nobody wants to miss.  Repeat Gaboon-ers will walk the docks with the excited newcomers they bring along.  Here's the down and dirty info:  Hosted by HYC, open to all.  Staggered start  beginning at 1300 - starting times will based on PHRF rating plus a non-spinnaker credit, if applicable.  Per the NOR, "All boats must have a valid 2004 PHRF rating.  All boats must have lifelines in place.  PHRF crew limits do not apply."   Entry deadline is 1230 on race day at HYC. For info contact Phil Briggs at (757) 244-5477.     Traditionally, the gathering of the skippers and crew begins around high noon at the HYC lounge and docks.  Individual boats get starting times from organizer Phil Briggs at this time. 
FROSTBITE 2005 IS IN THE BOOKS:  Yesterday started out with a thick fog, a little rain, and no wind, BUT, by the time the competitors got to the starting line, the sun was out, and a great racing breeze was ready for the last of the five races of the Series.  SERIES AWARD WINNERS:  PHRF A (4 boats): 1.Christian Schaumloffel, Mirage, Hobie 33; 2.Pam Burdett, Polar Express, J/105.  PHRF B (8 boats): 1.Rusty Burshell, Cool Change, J/30; 2.Ben Weeks, Rumble, J/29; 3.Paul Andersen, Titillation, J/29.  PHRF C (8 boats): 1.Batchelor/Winters, Harbor Syn, J/22; 2.Ben Cuker, Callinectes, Cal 30.3; 3.John Blais, Stardancer, Pearson 30; 3. PHRF Non-Spin (4 boats): 1.Tom Peddy, Impulse, Catalina 34; 2.Bob Nunn, One-O-Five, Catalina 30.  PRO: Dick Boykin.
IMPORTANT REMINDERS Re 2005 SCHEDULE:  Southern Bay yacht club, sailing association, and event schedulers are reminded that the region scheduling meeting is Wednesday, December 15th, at HYC, 7:00 pm.  This is for big boat events.  Reps are requested to have in their hands their clubs' "druthers" for the meeting.  For info contact, Lin McCarthy, CBYRA Region 4 Handicap Fleet Scheduler at (757) 850-4225 or email at   mcbear@earthlink.net 
Officials responsible for their clubs' CBYRA One-Design Schedule, should contact Tom Roberts at (804) 843-2682 or email at  mobjack@crosslink.net  or  cbyraonedesign@netscape.net
The first place overall award (first to cross the finish line) for the GABOON Race is the famous Gaboon Spittoon, which will be presented at the HYC awards night on Tuesday, Dec 7th.  Dan Winters gets full credit for the "discovery" of this trophy and has a great yarn on the topic.
Don't ever try  to slip  anything by a SBRNYCU reader/racer.  It's like trying to slip a free Bud past THE Beagle!  Dave Alexander actually measured that jazzy JS 9000, and reports that it is actually 5'8" wide (it seems 4 feet narrow!).  Thanks, Dave, for the info.
CBYRA Annual Meeting will be held this coming Saturday, December 4th at the Gibson Island Yacht Club.  For information contact Amy Chalmers at (410) 269-1194.
Dec 4   Saturday     CBYRA Annual Meeting - Gibson Island YC
Dec 5   Sunday       GABOON RACE - HYC
Dec 15 Wednesday CBYRA Region 4 Scheduling Meeting at HYC
Jan 1    Saturday     2005 New Year's Madness - OPCYC/HYC
Jan 1    Saturday     2005 New Years Day Race - SYC
MURPHY'S LAW:  Let me nip in the butt.... er, bud, rumors that racing skippers would like to receive sanding blocks for Christmas gifts!  Several have assured me they would, however, like to receive sanding jobs from devoted crew members and friends, even wives and children.   /S/ Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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