Lin Mccarthy on Monday September 24, 2007 09:12AM

Important Address Update:  CBYRA Region 4 Official Scorer, Dick Boykin, has changed his email address to  dboy24@verizon.net  
Fishing Bay Yacht Club Fall Series Begins Sunday, September 23rd.  For info contact Sharon Bauer at 769-4293 (Aylett, VA).
CASH FLOW  and ROUNDABOUT  WIN in the first day of CCV Fall Series with two bullets- Bang! Bang! - in PHRF A and PHRF C respectively.  A beautiful day, wind, and 33 PHRF boats ready to go at some real racing.  There were 4 boats tied for 3rd in PHRF A.  Cyrano, won the tiebreaker by virtue of having a third in the second race.  RESULTS:  PHRF A: 1.Cash Flow (1-1), Lloyd Griffin; 2.Sea Star (2-2), Dave Eberwine; 3.Cyrano (6-3), Bob Mosby.  PHRF B: 1.White Boat (2-1), Dave McConaughy; 2.Bad Habit (1-4) won the tie for 2nd by virtue of the 1st in race #1, Bob Archer; 3.Cool Change (3-2), Rusty Burshell.  PHRF C: 1.Roundabout (1-1), Alan Bomar; 2.Quicky (2-2), Mike Veraldi; 3.Spray (3-4), Bumps Eberwine.   PHRF Non-Spin: 1.Margarita (2-1), Harry Tenney; 2.Wiki Wiki (1-3), Rodney Paice; 3.Impulse (3-2), Tom Peddy.  PRO-John McCarthy; Official Timer/Scorer-Dick Boykin; Mark Boats-Dave Hamilton and Bill Gibbings. 
CCV Fall Series 3 & 4, same time and place next Sunday, September 23.  For info or to enter contact John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225.
RACERS AND THE RULES QUIZ:  Three boats end up tied for first in a 4 race series.  Boat A  has a finish string of 4-3-1-1 (9 points); Boat B has a finish string of 2-1-3-3 (9 points); Boat C has a finish string of 1-2-4-2 (9 points).  What is the order of finish after the ties are  broken?   (Answer follows in this issue of SBRNYCU.)
All around, multiple designs champion sailor, Jeff Linton, made another successful foray into the "southern Bay and beyond" from his home in Tampa, FL, this past weekend.   Earlier this season, Jeff, along with wife and crew, Amy, captured the Flying Scot North American title in Fishing Bay.  Sunday, he wrapped up a weekend with the folks in Elizabeth City, where he won the Classic Moth National Championship regatta.  The competition came down to the last leg of the last race (7 races with 1 throw-out).  Two southern Bay moth-ers did well at the regatta:  Mark Saunders (Seaford) finished 3rd, and Joe Bousquet (Norfolk) finished 4th.
Anyone reporting race scores, etc. should make note of this change. 
Christopher Newport University  takes 6th in 16 team Ocean County College Fall Open at Toms River.   Leading the team were Ben France and Johanna Faroe.  The duo registered a 1st and a 3rd during the two day regatta.   CNU is gearing up for another important regatta this coming weekend at St. Mary's College in Maryland.   Dan Winters (head coach) and Jim White (assistant coach), CNU Sailing.
The CASH FLOW  cockpit was full of wise heads Sunday - skipper Lloyd Griffin, John Hanna, and Ken Saylor earned their keep by staying on the shifts, which were often and dramatic.
On Saturday, four Swift Solo boats made a brief appearance on the Bay.  Conditions proved intolerable for the light, go fast, home built zoomies.  Only two actually survived to do any racing, but southern Bay homie, Chris Rasmussen, was one of those 2 and won each of the three races between him and Keith Cooncell.  Dave Hamilton, aka The Dave, noted that these Swift boats carried no armament.
Mark Wheeler trounced the other 5 Hampton One Designs (HOD) that sailed in the Serio Regatta Saturday.  Mark had 5 bullets and did not sail the 6th race.  Trevor Pardee finished 2nd and Charlie McCoy was 3rd.  The Serio Regatta is hosted each year by Hampton Yacht Club in honor of "Pappy" Serio, the designer of the HOD.  Race Chairmen were Malcolm and Kathy Brady.
Answer to RR Quiz Question:    Give the silver cup to Boat A.  Boat C is 2nd on the podium and third place goes to Boat B.  In a nutshell, to break a tie in series standings, first you list the finishes of the tied boats in order of best to worst.  At the first point where there is a difference, the tie is broken in favor of the boat with the best finish.  If there is still a tie, the boats are ranked in order of their scores in their last race.  If there is still a tie, the scores of the next-to-last race are used and so on until all the ties are broken.  For details, pull out your Racing Rules of Sailing and read Appendix A - Scoring, section A8, Series Ties.   Remember, in the quiz scenario, once you establish the winner, you are now breaking the tie between B and C for 2nd, so you start at step 1 of the tie breaking procedure. 
Sunday Afternoon Dinghy Series in Willoughby Bay The Series, sponsored jointly by Broad Bay Sailing Association and Norfolk Naval Sailing Association took a big step forward in its second week of existence.  There were 10 Lasers on the water along with two 420s and a Mutineer.  Willoughby Bay, aka Little Bay, provided great conditions for small boat racing Sunday.  The fleet got in 6 races.  LASER RESULTS:  1.Dave Fagen (NNSA) ; 2.Henry Amthor (HYC); 3.Gillen Elder (ODU).  Leon Garber and Emory Nemeth are points of contact for the Sunday Series.  Contact Leon at (757) 615 -7154 and/or Emory at (757) 549-1788   This coming Sunday the 420 fleet is expected to grow as a number of NNSA sailors will have returned from short deployments.  So, if you have a little boat and want to race it, Little Bay is the place for you on Sunday afternoons.
MURPHY'S LAW:  Yrs Truly, The Racing Beagle,  has learned of a high school sailing team in the southern Bay that must be really, really tough to beat.  Yes, Virginia, there ARE more racing dogs - bulldogs! The mascot for the Norfolk Academy Team is a BULLDOG.   Now, there's a sailing team with the proper attitude!   /S/  Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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