Lin Mccarthy on Monday December 15, 2008 12:07PM

Southern Bay clubs' racing and event officials have been at work since October on the 2009 CBYRA Region 4, "big boat" racing schedule.  The  official Southern Bay Racing Schedule (CBYRA Region 4, Handicap Fleets (Big Boats) will be ready for official publication in early January.  Watch for announcement in SBRNYCU.  Now, efforts are being directed at  Junior and One-Design schedules - point of contact is Tom Roberts at  tjroberts2@cox.net
These weeks immediately before and during the holidays are busy for everyone.  Here's how Captain Joshua Slocum reported that he spent his in December 1895.  He had departed Boston, on April 24, 1895, beginning his epic voyage.
    "...the SPRAY sailed for Montevideo, where she arrived on the following day and was greeted by steam-whistles till I felt embarrassed and wished I had arrived unobserved.  The voyage so far alone may have seemed to the Uruguayans a feat worthy of recognition, but there was so much yet ahead, and of such an arduous nature, that any demonstrations at this point seemed, somehow, like boasting prematurely.
    The SPRAY had barely come to anchor at Montevideo when the agents of the Royal Mail Steamship Company, Messrs. Humphreys & Co., sent word that they would dock and repair her free of expense and give me twenty pounds sterling, which they did to the letter, and more besides.  The calkers at Montevideo paid very careful attention to the work of making the sloop tight.  Carpenters mended the keel and also the lifeboat (the dory), painting it till I hardly knew it from a butterfly.    Christmas of 1895 found SPRAY refitted ...."  
    Slocum moved on to Buenos Aires where he was met by a local man in possession of the "...warmest heart... outside of Ireland.  Mr. Mulhall,  with a prancing team, came down to the docks as soon as the SPRAY was berthed, and would have me go to his house at once, where a room was waiting.  And, it was New Year's day 1896."        [ Sailing Alone Around the World,  by Captain Joshua Slocum, Illustrated by James E. Mitchell,  W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. New York and London, First American Edition, 1984 ]
Word is that ACL barge lines in Louisville has a number of 13.5' Zodiacs in their warehouse that have never been used.  The company paid $15,500 each, and they'll sell them for $10,000 ea.  They have center consoles, and 30-hp Mercury fuel injected, four cycle engines.  Very stable; would be great for Junior Sail training, etc.  Anyone interested should contact Christian Primm directly at cdprimm@aclines.com.

Last reminder - 2009  DANA DILLON  MEMORIAL NEW YEAR'S MADNESS RACE -  Jan 1, 2009 - Start is off the Hampton Yacht Club docks and finish is off the Old Point Comfort YC docks at Ft Monroe.  Racing is in the Harbor.   Super pre-race breakfast buffet available at HYC (beginning at 0900) and post-race celebration at OPCYC beginning at 1530.  Staggered start race - starting times available at the skippers meeting (1000 at HYC).  First warning at 1125.  PHRF Spinnaker and Non-Spin classes as well as Cruising class.  For info and to enter, please contact Dennis Miner at (757) 867-1028.  Line up your crew - line up your "ride".  Get 2009 started right!
Dear Readers,
    Murphy, The Racing Beagle, and  the Southern Bay Racing News You Can Use  staff are going to take a holiday break. So please look for issue #425 of SBRNYCU on January 5, 2009.    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and best  wishes for a joyful holiday season for all!  Smoke if you got 'em, dance like nobody's watchin', and race if you can!
                                                                              Your friends at SBRNYCU
MURPHY'S LAW:  There is no doubt in the Racing Beagle's mind that Santa Claus' has a stable of racing reindeer.   And, Rudolph the Red Nose, of course, without doubt, is of  bowman heritage!      /S/  Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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