Year End Tailgate Oyster Roast:  Sunday, October 25, 2020 from 12 Noon- 4 PM

Karen Soule on Tuesday September 15, 2020 07:13PM




What a challenging sailing season we've all had.

But FBYC members responded by working hard to keep our community safe, our members sailing responsibly and our club working smoothly.  To say "Thank You" we're having our annual oyster roast in a different format--a Year End Tailgate Oyster Roast on Sunday, October 25 from 12 noon to 4 PM.  

We'll be serving pulled pork BBQ, sides and either steamed or raw oysters during the afternoon in a BYOB tailgate event.

To support social distancing, we will have tailgate spots marked out for your vehicles or group. Masks are the apparel for the day when moving about - moving between tailgates, picking up a Oysters/barbecue and sides, interacting with wait staff or others on the grounds outside of your tailgate.

Bring you chairs, tables and FBYC gear to enjoy the tailgate and don’t  forget this is BYOB

The cost is only $5 per person; children under 6 are free.  (It's our way to say thank you.)

Please register and pay on-line by October 18 so we have an accurate headcount.  Sign-up now at:

See you then and there!

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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