Open House Regatta and Party

Offshore Beginning On Saturday May 23, 2015

Boat and Class Sail # Rating Name Club Boat Boat Details Number people Registered
40189 168 Brad Miller FBYC Beneteau 305 LOA: 30
Color: white
6 05/09/2015 00:19
355 114 Caroline Garrett FBYC J70 LOA: 22.75
Color: white
4 05/07/2015 08:05
73336 132 David Soule FBYC Ericson 38 LOA: 38
Color: White
5 05/18/2015 20:34
16322 assign Logan Hayes FBYC Opti white LOA: 7.7
Color: white
4 05/19/2015 08:48
na na Thomas F. O'Connell FBYC na LOA: na
Color: na
2 05/18/2015 20:21
Keep Moving
Portsmouth Handicap
3239 91.9 James D Black FBYC Snipe LOA: 15.5
Color: Red
1 05/17/2015 18:07
Lucky Dog
Portsmouth Handicap
5341 86 John Wake Jr. FBYC Flying Scot LOA: 19'-6"
Color: White
2 04/30/2015 20:19
Radio Flyer
Portsmouth Handicap
609 Hampton One Design R. Latane Montague IV FBYC Vincent Serio LOA: 18
Color: Red
4 05/20/2015 21:29
Portsmouth Handicap
73 94 Geoffrey D Cahill FBYC Sakonnet 23 LOA: 23
Color: White
2 05/06/2015 07:44
Portsmouth Handicap
4256 one design Ron Jenkins Flying Scot LOA: 19
Color: Blue
2 05/15/2015 11:13
Portsmouth Handicap
161066 94 William S. Wirt FBYC laser LOA: 14
Color: white
4 05/19/2015 07:05
Social Only na na Russell T. Aaronson III na 4 05/19/2015 10:51
Social Only na na Paul Almany FBYC na 4 05/18/2015 21:21
Social Only na na Paul D Becker na 2 05/14/2015 16:34
Social Only na na Carol Hume Bokinsky FBYC na 2 05/18/2015 15:10
Social Only na na Stephen Boling na 1 05/19/2015 10:28
Social Only na na William F. Bowie na 2 05/15/2015 16:33
Social Only na na Cynthia Brown FBYC na 2 05/18/2015 20:52
Social Only na na George W. Burke III FBYC na 2 05/05/2015 21:02
Social Only na na Dawn Calabrese na 2 05/20/2015 11:28
Social Only na na Mary M Carter na 1 05/18/2015 14:39
Social Only na na Michael S Chesser FBYC na 2 05/05/2015 23:39
Social Only na na Catherine C. Clark na 2 05/05/2015 07:13
Social Only na na R. Noel Clinard FBYC na 2 05/20/2015 10:25
Social Only na na R. Noel Clinard FBYC na 3 05/20/2015 15:02

Boats Registered By Class

Class Count
Assign me a Rating 12
Portsmouth Handicap 6
Social Only 0
Number of Boat Names registered, excluding the "Simplies" 36
Number of people indicated to attend 353
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters