Closing Day Regatta and Oyster Roast - Winter Series 1

Offshore Beginning On Saturday November 2, 2019

Boat and Class Sail # Rating Name Club Boat Boat Details Number people Registered
Social Only Philip H. Goodpasture 3 10/30/2019 13:03
Social Only K. Stuart Gregory 1 10/30/2019 18:39
Social Only Len Guenther Jr. 2 10/22/2019 12:27
Social Only Dennis Hannick 6 10/09/2019 12:33
Social Only Susan Harris 1 10/25/2019 13:54
Social Only Nancy Harrison 1 10/20/2019 11:34
Social Only David S. Hinckle 2 10/28/2019 10:48
Social Only Kenzie S. Hubard 2 10/31/2019 09:40
Social Only Valerie Hubbard 2 10/16/2019 11:47
Social Only Ronald Q. Jenkins 2 10/22/2019 19:13
Social Only Kenneth P. Johnson 2 10/16/2019 12:32
Social Only Wesley D. Jones 2 10/11/2019 08:06
Social Only Lud H. Kimbrough III 1 10/27/2019 08:00
Social Only Laurie King 4 10/16/2019 22:14
Social Only Richard G. Klein 2 10/25/2019 12:41
Social Only John G. Koedel, III III 3 10/28/2019 08:37
Social Only Maurice L. Lyerly 2 10/15/2019 08:05
Social Only James E. Lytle 2 10/31/2019 07:22
Social Only Elizabeth McMartin 2 10/28/2019 11:28
Social Only Brad Miller 6 10/28/2019 15:43
Social Only Judith Miller 3 10/20/2019 23:00
Social Only mike Miller 2 10/26/2019 10:18
Social Only Stephen H. Montgomery 2 10/14/2019 21:05
Social Only Cheryl J. Naetzker 1 10/31/2019 16:05
Social Only Joseph Nelson 2 10/30/2019 21:25

Boats Registered By Class

Class Count
Social Only 0
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters