Date Event Name Docs Register by
01/29/11 Winter Program - Member Highlights! Photos on Flickr
02/05/11 Work party Main Club House
02/26/11 Bermuda High Party
03/04/11 Cocktail @ Bennetts
03/12/11 Safety at Sea Program
03/19/11 Spring Clean Up
03/22/11 Crew Training 2619-Notice and Course Description.pdf
04/02/11 Crew Training Photos on Flickr
04/09/11 Crew Training
04/09/11 Flying Scot Tune-up Clinic
04/09/11 Front Runner Spring Regatta - RESCHEDULED FOR 4/9 2699-Front Runner Spring Regatta.pdf
04/16/11 Opening Day
04/17/11 Spring Series 1
04/23/11 Spring Series 2 Video with tornado damage
2730-Race 1.html
2731-Race 2.html
2732-Race 3.html
Photos by cybrvanr
05/01/11 One Design Opening Day (FS/FR) 2728-Results.pdf
05/07/11 Cruise to Mathews YC
05/07/11 Protest Training - after racing incl dinner Photos on Flickr
05/07/11 Spring Series 3 2733-Race 4.html
2734-Race 5.html
Photos on Flickr
05/13/11 Pre-Captains Choice Cruise Dinner
05/14/11 Captains Choice Cruise
05/14/11 Laser District 11 Championship & US Singlehand Area C Elim 2696-2011d11_main_image_large.jpg
2738-Sailing Instructions.pdf
Photos District 11
Regatta Video
05/21/11 Stew Pot Regatta (FS/FR) 2748-results.pdf
05/22/11 Spring Series 4 2754-Race 6.html
2755-Race 7.html
2758-Race 8.html
2759-Standings - Final.html
05/28/11 Fishing Bay to Urbanna (LD Series) Photos by Jon Deutsch
2764-Race Results.html
05/29/11 Rosegill to the Corrotoman
06/03/11 Art on Fishing Bay
06/04/11 Ailsworth Wedding - PRIVATE EVENT - Main Clubhouse
06/10/11 Opti and Laser Race Team
06/10/11 Pre-Captains Choice Cruise Dinner
06/11/11 Captains Choice 3-day Cruise
06/11/11 Laser Spring Regatta Photos by Jon Deutsch
06/11/11 Moonlight Regatta
06/11/11 Opti Kids 2744-Medical Consent Form.doc
2746-Parent Waiver Form.doc
06/12/11 Salsa Bowl Regatta (FS/FR) 2768-scores.pdf
06/18/11 North Carolina Cruise
06/18/11 Opti Kids
06/20/11 Junior Week 2742-Medical Consent Form.doc
2747-Parent Waiver Form.doc
Photos on Flickr - collection
06/22/11 Parents Laser Race Photos by Lee-Anne Swanson
06/25/11 Virginia Junior State Championship Regatta 2766-NOR.doc
06/27/11 Opti Development Team
07/02/11 Cut Channel Race (Long Distance Series) 2778-Cut Channel Race.html
Photos by Jon Deutsch
07/03/11 Piankatank Regatta (FS/FR) 2780-OD 4_Spring Series.pdf
Photos by Jim Morrison
07/04/11 Long Distance Race 2809-result.pdf
Photos by Jon Deutsch
07/09/11 Leukemia Cup Regatta Photos by Jon Deutsch
2807-PHRF Race 1 rev.html
2808-PHRF Final Standing rev.html
2800-PHRF Race 2.html
2801-PHRF Race 3.html
2802-Cruising Race 1.html
2803-Cruising Race 2.html
2804-Cruising Race 3.html
2805-Cruising Final Standings.html
07/09/11 New England Cruise (thru 8/7)
07/23/11 Progressive Dinner Cruise
07/23/11 Summer Sea Breeze Regatta (FS/FR)
07/30/11 Cruise Regatta
08/06/11 Pirate Cruise
08/06/11 Pirate Cruise Photos on Flickr
08/13/11 72nd Annual One Design Regatta 2816-Results .html
Photos by Jon Deutsch
08/19/11 Pre-Captains Choice Cruise Dinner
08/20/11 Captains Choice Cruise
08/20/11 Smith Point Race (Long Distance Series) Photos on Facebook
2825-Race 2.html
08/27/11 Geezer Regatta (FS)
08/28/11 Deltaville Regatta (FS/FR)
09/02/11 Stingray Point Regatta 2828-Race 1.html
2829-Race 2.html
2830-Race 3.html
2831-Race 4.html
2832-Race 5.html
2833-Results - Series.html
Photos by John Hubbard 223
Award Photos by John Hubbard
2838-Friday Race.html
Photos by Roger Craver 236
Photos on Flickr 76
09/10/11 Tides Inn Trip
09/10/11 Wolf Trap Race (Long Distance Series) 2845-Results.html
Photos on Facebook
09/11/11 Low Country Boil Regatta (FS/FR) 2847-Fall 1.pdf
09/17/11 Fall Series 1 2855-Results Race 1.html
2856-Results Race 2.html
2857-Standing Fall Series.html
09/18/11 Laser Fall Regatta 2853-Results.html
Photos on Flickr
09/24/11 Fall Series 2 2859-Race 3.html
2860-Race 4.html
2861-Race 5.html
09/24/11 Southern Bay Cruise
09/25/11 Chilly Chili Bowl Regatta (FS/FR) 2865-Fall 2.pdf
10/01/11 Indian Summer & Sail Against SIDS 2844-Logo.jpg
2869-Fall 3.pdf
10/02/11 Fall Series 3 2866-Fall Series 3 Race 6 Results.html
2867-Fall Series 3 Race 7 Results.html
2868-Fall Series Standings.html
Photos by John Hubbard
Photos by cybrvanr
Photos by Roger Craver
10/07/11 Pre-Captains Choice Cruise Dinner
10/08/11 Captains Choice Cruise
10/15/11 Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship 2858-logo_small.gif
2875-Sailing Instructions.doc
2876-Results Day 1.html
2877-Final Results.html
Photos by Jon Deutsch
10/15/11 Wilton Creek Cruise
10/22/11 Fall Series 4 2883-Results Fall Series Race 8.html
2884-Results Fall Series Race 9.html
2885-Standings Final Fall Series.html
Photos by cybrvanr
Photos by Jon Deutsch
10/23/11 One Design Closing Day (FS/FR) 2886-Fall 4 and Series.pdf
10/29/11 Offshore Closing Day and Oyster Roast
11/06/11 Laser Frostbite Regatta 2894-Results.html
11/12/11 Annual Meeting and Awards Party at CCV James River 2890-AnnualAwardsFlier.doc
Photos on Flickr
11/19/11 Fall Clean up
11/30/11 Test Event
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters