Nominations for Annual Awards Needed

Stuart Burnett on

The Trophy Committee is seeking nominations for the club's perpetual trophies which will be awarded at the Annual Meeting on October 25th. Nominations should be delivered by email, fax, or telephone to Stuart Burnett, Trophy Chairman, by October 7, 2002. Nominations will be accepted for the perpetual trophies described below by clicking on the "Read More..." link below. A detailed description for all the club's perpetual trophies can be found in the Yearbook beginning on page 80.Nominations for the following annual awards should be sent to the Trophy Committee Chairman, Stuart Burnett, by October 7th. Stuart's contact information is listed at the bottom of the article.

PIANKATANK TROPHY - recognizes the FBYC skipper who has consistently been … recognizes FBYC

Strother Scott on

ILCA Logo - Small
cheslasermasters2002 If you visit The Laser Class Online - International Laser Class Association North American Region website you will notice that they have selected "Getting Ready to Sail at the 2002 Ches. Bay Masters" by Jim Lamb - seen to the left - as their Photo Pic of the Week.

Thanks to Randy Alley for pointing this out.

You can also check the progress of Alain Vincey in the Master Class at Hyannis at the The Laser Masters 2002 Worlds. He called in to say it is tough going, he capsized 3 times yesterday in a race in 20 knot winds - plus the course is about 8 miles from the beach - so some exhaustion is setting in.

The new Building is really nice

catesby jones on

Clubhouse News
Have messed about in boats around FBYC for many years and must admit was apprehensive about seeing the new club house. Anchored out several times during the progress but did not go in to see the work. Recently decided to have a look and am thrilled to see and feel it is still Fishing Bay Yacht Club! Wow!! A job well done!

The Wildman’s - Art and Jo - on Wild Wind

Jim Jacobs wins Laser Masters - 3rd time Champion

David Hazlehurst on

ILCA Logo - Small
After four great races on Sunday in 14-16 knots James Jacobs ended up as a third time champion, despite being OCS in the next to last race in which he still got a fourth place finish. There were several capsises Sunday the most notable being Mark Sauders who sailed a perfect race though the last windward mark only to turtle just after starting the downwind leg. This moved Mark from first to at least 21st place, showing us all how much harder it is to right a Laser when it's not heading into the wind. Aside from capsizes there were a number of equipment failures, the most novel being Brad Squires tearing the webbing at the top of his …

Laser Masters Preregistrations

David Hazlehurst on

ILCA Logo - Small
We have 30 sailors pre-registered for the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Regatta this coming weekend, September 7-8. Notable absentees include prior winner Rob Overton of HYC who could be anywhere on his live-aboard boat, Mike Ironmonger who has retired from Laser sailing, Bob Saltmarsh and Joe Van Rossem, staying close to home while preparing for the Laser Masters Worlds at Hyannis in two weeks. In talking with Mike Ironmonger, who travels from St Mary's on a work boat towing whatever, he explained his abscence from the Stingray Regatta this past weekend as follows; the weather forecast persusaded me that a 60 mile tow coming and going would be less than fun. You can't fault this decision!

Registrations to …

Thanks to the Stingray Point Regatta Committee for a well-done event!

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
a0start From the moment 200 sailors on 50 boats arrived at Fishing Bay on Friday night of Labor day weekend 2002, it was obvious that the Regatta Committee had done a great job organizing the Event. Bay Design Group sponsored a pre-registration cocktail party in the upstairs of the new Clubhouse. All sorts of apparel featuring the Regatta Logo was on sale and FBYC for the first time accepted credit cards in payment for entries and attire.

Saturday featured lots of good racing, lots of wind, and lots of RAIN. We all need the rain so there were no complaints. The committee had divided the entries into 2 fleets. Lud Kimbrough ran the smaller boats - 6 J-24s, 6 MORC and 5 …

63rd Annual Regatta a great success - Big Flying Scot turnout!

Strother Scott on

Flying Scots
spinnakers Ninety-three boats and their crews raced on August 10-11 in Fishing Bay’s very successful 63rd Annual One Design Regatta. Dick Cole was the Event Chair and organized and ran a large one design regatta that was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you Dick!

harrycarpenter On the day prior to the Regatta, Harry Carpenter was invited by John Beery and our Flying Scot fleet to conduct a clinic on Flying Scots. The Flying Scot Fleet must be applauded for getting 25 boats on the line. Harry stayed over for the racing, and after a slow start (5th), he went on to get 5 First Places to win the Flying Scot Fleet for the regatta. David Lee, on Floozies Little …

Congratulations to the traveling contingency of Fishing Bay!

catesby jones on


Case Whittemore, Bob Wardwell and Ron Buchanan traveled to North American Championships in August…

From Rochester, the J/29 Fleet… Fishing Bay’s Case Whittemore placed 2nd in the J/29 North Americans, Bob Wardwell finished 4th.

Top 5 finishers were… 5th Bruce Lockwood’s Tomahawk, 4th Bob Wardwell’s Killshot, 3rd John Lavin’s Dirty Harry, 2nd Case Whittemore’s Patriot and 1st John Esposito’s Hustler.

In the Lighting Fleet… Ron Buchanan and Bob Wardwell traveled to North Cape, Michigan to sail the Lightning North American’s. 116 boats registered for the fierce competition. Bob Wardwell sneaked in to the top flight (North American’s) and Ron Buchanan qualified for the 2nd flight (President’s Cup …

Register Now for the 8th Annual Stingray Point Regatta

catesby jones on

Offshore Racing
Come join us as the Club hosts its premiere offshore regatta of the year at the new clubhouse. This year's event is shaping up to be one of the finest yet. We should have eight classes racing on two courses on Saturday, August 31 and Sunday, September 1. The racing will be exciting but you can bet things will be hopping on shore as well. FBYC is hosting dinner and entertainment on Saturday evening for all regatta participants and Fishing Bay Yacht Club members. If you don't plan on racing, we still welcome you to join us Saturday night. Racers should get those completed entry forms in as soon as possible. Non-racers can use the same form to …

FBYC Members travel to Mobjack Nat'ls in Lewes

Tom Roberts on

Two Fishing Bay Mobjacks competed in the 43rd Mobjack Nationals in Lewes, Delaware August 16-18. Meg and Tom Roberts placed 6th and Jerry and Cheryl Desvernine placed ninth in the three-day five-race series. Perry and Bev Jones attended as Class Measurer. Meg was earned the Stephanie Anne Ives Memorial Trophy as top Junior skipper and the Top Woman Skipper award. Jerry and Cheryl earned the top husband-wife team award. Results are posted at the Mobjack Web Site ( and the Lewes Yacht Club site ( Check out the photo there of the Mobjacks sailing with Delaware's Tall Ship!

Juniors return from Junior Olympic Festival

catesby jones on

Junior Activities
This past Tuesday and Wednesday we traveled to Hampton for the Junior Olympic Festival. We brought Ashton Hudgins, Meg Roberts, Franny Kupersmith and Quentin Jenkins out for this fantastic festival. Highlights included Franny Kupersmith placing second overall in the Byte fleet, only a couple points away from winning the whole regatta! See Results for Bytes. She received a huge cup and an elegant medal. Also, Meg Roberts despite many boat difficulties, managed to place fourth overall in the competitive Byte fleet. See Pictures at HYC Web site.I would like to put out a special thank you to the Hudgins for having us stay with them for the duration of the regatta. Between their big screen TV and swimming pool …

Fun in the sun

David Hazlehurst on

Junior Activities
Some 67 members ranging from grandparents, who never miss an opportunity to be with their off-spring, parents who clearly enjoy their tasks, and kids who just roll with every punch, filled Fishing Bay with joy last Saturday. The event that brought the crowd together was a "Cruise with Kids" event Chaired by Kara and John Koedel, and Carey and Chris Gaenzle. There is little doubt that there will be a demand for a repeat in 2002. The crowd was supplemented on Saturday afternoon by the crews of 5 Flying Scots and 3 Lasers, after racing in the final Summer Seabreeze Regatta, ably managed by Debbie Cycotte and her crew as Race Committee and Brooks Zerkel as Social Chair. Somehow or …

Solomns Race Abandoned After Boats Becalmed

Stuart Burnett on

Offshore Racing
After braving a fierce lightning storm to start the race, the Solomons race fleet was becalmed just north of Windmill Point early Friday night. With predictions of light winds through the night, the fleet conferred by VHF, then a spokesman informed the event chair by cell phone that as of 2047 they were starting engines and withdrawing from the race. We wish them all good luck at the Screwpile Lighthouse Regatta and hope for better conditions next year.

FBYC Juniors' Prowess at the West River Junior Regatta

catesby jones on

Junior Activities
Strong breezes and small waves made for an exciting West River Junior Regatta Tuesday, July 16th. We took Mark Buchanan, Kathryn Clinard, Annie MacKinnon, Quentin Jenkins, Strother Scott, Ashton Hudgins, Eliza Strickland, Franny Kupersmith and Miles Kimborugh to the regatta.

Highlights included Mark Buchanan placing third in the over twenty boat green fleet. Way to go Mark! Franny Kupersmith placed third while Eliza Strickland placed fourth in the competitive 10 boat byte fleet. Kathryn Clinard and Annie MacKinnon had an absolute blast. Quentin Jenkins got a taste of what being in the front of the pack is about when he rounded the weather mark 11th out of the fourty boat Opti red, white and blue fleet. Finally, Miles experienced why …

Solomons Race Sailing Instructions

Stuart Burnett on

Offshore Racing
The Sailing Instructions for the race to Solomons Island, July 19-20, 2002, are attached as a PDF to this article. Important times include:
Friday, July 19
Race entries due on board FBYC race committee boat, Mr. Roberts, located on the FBYC middle dock on Jackson Creek.
1700 Skipper’s meeting at FBYC on the lawn under the flag pole adjacent to Jackson Creek
1900 Warning gun for first class

For further info contact Stuart Burnett, Solomons Race Event Chair at or (804) 240-8368.The attached PDF contains the Sailing Instructions for the FBYC 2002 Solomons Island Race.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters