Leukemia Cup Regatta Kick Off Celebration
Please join us for the 20th Anniversary Southern Chesapeake
Leukemia Cup Regatta Kick Off Celebration
Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Triple Crossing Brewery - Fulton
5203 Hatcher Street, Richmond, VA 23231
We will be kicking off the 2018 Leukemia Cup Regatta fundraising season, sharing LLS updates, and offering incentives for registering your boat!
Attendance is free for all with complimentary dinner & a cash bar.
Please RSVP by February 27 to Katey Sanders at
katey.sanders@lls.org or 804.774.2257
Visit www.leukemiacup.org/va to register today!